Archive for 18 July 2016

Origins of Book of Prayer

I appreciate SO MUCH your putting together the wonderful site about Elizabeth Goudge.

It is tremendous to have such resources available!

Thanks for this month’s article about A Diary of Prayer. Among my favourite materials are the prayers Goudge composed herself, including one For Children which I have prayed nightly since my children were conceived. I have used the collection daily for many, many years, enriching my prayer life.

I love Miss Goudge — As C. S. Lewis mentioned George MacDonald as his mentor and spiritual guide, Goudge is mine.

Mary Burrows

Dear Mary,

Thank you so much for your support of the site and your kind words regarding a Question of Faith.

I have to confess to no knowledge of the prayers that Elizabeth wrote and would be very grateful if you could give me some information on where I could read them.

I agree totally about the prayers enriching our lives, as so much of her work does. She is definitely a mentor of mine too.

Hi Deborah,

It is my own assumption (and a deep feeling I get) that the prayers that are printed without attribution at the bottom or the word “Anonymous” at the bottom are her own prayers. Of course, I may be mistaken.

They seem to me to be very special prayers — there are some in every section (but I do not have the book here where I am typing). One in particular has been very meaningful to me since I pray it every night:

Lord, as once the mothers of Israel brought their children to you that you might bless them, so now we come before you, bringing in our hearts those children most precious to us. Kneeling in the shadow of your love for them, your most glorious and perfect prayer to the father for them, we say their names in your presence___________. You alone know what awaits them in life, and the special needs of each one of them, and we humbly trust them to your never-failing mercy and almighty love. We ask only that throughout their lives they may do and bear what is your will for them as perfectly as they are able, and that you will keep them close to you, now and forever.

There is a beautiful prayer in the July section about forgetting self that is un-attributed — I wish I could quote it here.




Society Question



Like many other people and at the age of 11, I read The Little White Horse.  This was a Sunday School prize from the Anglo Catholic Church which I attended.  I managed to get hold of a copy of The White Witch and Gentian Hill, both equally enchanting to read.
Now, at the age of 71 and having attained a B.A. Hons Degree of European Humanities with Music, in retirement, I am enjoying reading these books once more.

I thought I saw on the web reference to an Elizabeth Goudge Society.  If this is so, I would like to receive details.

It seems that there are various societies in existence for older writers – the Charlotte Younge Society for one.

I hope to hear from you

Yours sincerely,

Margareta Bower 


There are three main reasons why we are not affiliated to the Literary Societies and they are as follows:-

The first is a question of price. It is expensive to run and maintain a Literary Society link, and although I know that there are hundreds of Elizabeth Goudge fans it would take a dedicated 300/400 hundred paid up members to make sufficient money. It would take time and money to organise and run the membership alone.

The second reason is time. I am currently running the web site on my own with the technical support of my husband, and thoroughly enjoy doing so. But finding the extra time needed would at present be difficult.

Thirdly and most importantly, the Trustees and heirs of Elizabeth’s Estate thought that she would not have wanted the limelight and fuss of a Society. There may well come a time when it is appropriate to ask them to rethink the matter.



Belgium Fan


I have been a fan of Elizabeth Goudge’s since the age of sixteen when my mother gave me “Island magic” translated in French as “L’arche dans la temp’te”.
I’ve got nearly all her books either in French or in English,and have lent them to a lot of persons.
I am now 58, and they had been constant friends to me for I often re-read them especially when I needed comfort.
I still do for the  pleasure of finding again her enchanted worlds.
I was delighted to find your site and hear that she is still loved and admired.
I’ve recently heard that some of her books are reprinted in French, e.g. “Gentian Hill”, (la Colline aux gentianes)
Her works deserve to be better known for they have a real literary value.
She was more than a popular storyteller.
Thanks for your interesting site.
Josie Natalis from Li’ge